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These web pages, maintained by the Champaign County ACLU, were last updated on ONovember 14, 2024 by bi
Awards Presented by the Champaign County ACLU for
Local Civil Liberties Work
| Chalmers Award
In honor of W. Ellison Chalmers
For extraordinary service, in the
cause of Civil Rights and Civil
Liberties, to the community.
| Norton Award
In honor of Horace W. Norton.
For service to the Champaign
County ACLU Chapter.
| Stone Award
In honor of Victor Stone
For lifetime achievement
in supporting Civil
| 1984
| John Lee Johnson
| Victor Stone
| 1985
| Henrietta DeBoer
| James Ayres
| 1986
| Esther Patt
| Tom Page
| 1987
| Shirley Stillinger
| Thelma Chalmers
| 1988
| Dr. Elsie Field
| Gene Gilmore
| 1989
| Brian Savage
| Anne Martel
| 1990
| Steven Beckett
| Carole Appel
| 1991
| Charlene Teters and James Thomas
| 1992
| George Bell
| 1993
| Helen Satterthwaite
| Mark McClees and Eric Fisher
| 1994
| Womens's Health Practice
| Tom Betz
| 1995
| Jenny Putman
| 1996
| Malcolm Barnes and Steve Shoemaker
| Joan Severns
| Thelma Chalmers
| 1997
| Joan Larsen Klein and Bettina Aten
| Victor Stone
| 1998
| Herb Stevens
| Stuart Laird
| Vashti McCollum
| 1999
| Mary Lee Sargent
| Harold Baker
| 2000
| Rachael Dietkus
| Charles McIntyre
| Shirley Stillinger
| 2001
| Carol Spindel and Jay Rosenstein
| Jim Holiman
| 2002
| Kimberley Kranich
| U of I Student Chapter
| Harry Hilton
| 2003
| Stan Levy
| 2004
| Nancy Cantor
| Hiram Paley
| Clarence Shelley
| 2005
| Brooke Anderson
| Senator Dick Durbin
| 2006
| John Lee Johnson
| 2007
| Sandra Ahten
| 2008
| Rachel Dietkus
| Robert McChesney
| 2009
| Kate Gorman
| Steven and Esther Portnoy
| 2010
| Barbara Kessel
| William Brown
| 2011
| C. Ward Henson
| Hiram Paley
| 2013
| Karen Bush
| Belden Fields
| 2014
| Esther Patt
| Naomi Jakobsson
| 2017
| CU Immigration Forum
| Laurel Prussing
| 2020
| Champaign Bailout Coalition
| Carol Spindel and Richard Schnuer
| |
| Carol Spindel and Richard Schnuer
| Esther Patt