of Champaign County

Steering Committee

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Present: Bill Brown, Ward Henson, Carol Leff, , Esther Patt, Steven Portnoy, Paul Wisovaty,
Marsha Woodbury, Lynne Rudasil , Stuart Laird,

The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m. by the chair, Esther Patt.

The minutes of the December meeting were approved as distributed.

Illinois Division Report:

Esther Patt announced an ACLU Chapters conference call-everyone is welcome to call in: Tuesday, Feb. 10, 5 p.m.

Old Business:

a) Statewide Summit in Bloomington on Saturday, March 28

b) Safe Schools Project: Esther reported on progress, A dozen people turned out at Carol Inskeep's house in December,
and at the next meeting five high schools were represented. Students reported no bullying but still using "gay" as pejorative
term. Students reported that mood was more ignorance than hate. Wednesday, February 25th is the next meeting at the
Universal Unitarian Church with an even a broader attendance hoped for. Saturday April 4 is planned for larger,
statewide meeting in Bloomington. More information to come.

c) Annual meeting -
1. We voted to invite Deborah Caldwell-Stone, Deputy Director of the American Library Association's Office for
Intellectual Freedom to speak about the Patriot Act and the upcoming renewal of the Act at the annual meeting.

The annual meeting will be heldSunday, April 5, at Milo's Restaurant, 2870 S. Philo Road, Urbana, with  11:00 a.m. 
registration, 11:30 a.m. brunch, 12:15 p.m. speaker, and  price $25 per person.

2. Nominating Committee report
- Rachel Dietkus is definitely committed to serving on the Steering Committee.
3. Awards Committee
The committee voted to present the Chalmers Award to Kate Gorman UPTV station manager, with special praise
for the Urbana City Council, for their role in support of her work.
4. Mailings: newsletter; reminder card
- A "Hold the date" card will be mailed as soon as possible, and the newsletter will go out 2-3 weeks before the
annual meeting to a large mailing list.

New Business

1. State Rep. Chapin Rose has proposed a bill regarding deliberate transmission of AIDS, and that offenders would have
to register as sex offenders for life, including women/mothers.

2.   Racial profiling in Urbana - This Monday night at Urbana City Council they will be reviewing the findings of an
Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT) 2007 report that, it has been claimed, the New Gazette has not covered.
Brian Dolinar wrote an article about it that Stuart Laird forwarded.  We decided to watch this issue for the meantime
as the local statistics have local bias (for example, in west Urbana, many people walk and bike to work, so they are not driving).


Tuesday March 10 is Share a Meal night, and Kennedy's. Luna, and Siam Terrace will give 30% of each meal to Community
Shares, and please point your money to the ACLU Roger Baldwin Foundation.

The meeting closed at 8:19 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Marsha Woodbury