Forum on Marriage Equality
Mary Dixon and John Knight would like to present a forum on marriage equality here in September; they are planning a series of these around the state. Rachael will work with the students on this; Brian and Esther will help.
Fall Gathering
The fall gathering will be Sunday, November 7 from 5:00-7:00 at Susan Cohen’s home.
Annual Meeting
Stan will contact Nadine Strasser to see if she will be our speaker. If she cannot, he will ask Hiram to contact Dick Durbin. Third choice is Tony Romero, whom Stuart will contact. The date for the meeting will be set after the speaker is secured, but it will be sometime in April.
Other projects
It was agreed that we would not have an entry in the 4th of July parade nor conduct an essay contest this year.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:53.
Respectfully submitted,
Shirley Stillinger
NEXT MEETING: Thursday, September 2
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