of Champaign County


Steering Committee

November 5, 2009


Present: Bill Brown, Carol Inskeep, Stuart Laird, Carol Leff, Esther Patt, Stephen Portnoy, Richard Schnuer, Shirley Stillinger, Paul Wisovaty, Marsha Woodbury


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. by the chair, Esther Patt.  The minutes of the October  meeting were approved as distributed.


Old Business

a)  Fall gathering:  assignments were made and members signed up to bring food.


New Business

a)  Safe Schools:

The forum was well-attended with over 300 in attendance.  There was good media coverage.

The next meeting: 5:30, Wednesday, November 18, Unitarian Church


b)  Statewide Summit

There will probably not be a statewide summit this year.  In the future, the plan is to have a summit in odd years, a lobby day in Springfield in even years.


c)  Shooting of Kiwane Carrington

There was discussion about what we should be doing.  A sub-committee was formed, headed up by Carol Inskeep; the committee will meet at 7:00, Monday, November 30 at Carol Leff’s home, 604 W. Washington, Urbana. We need to read the investigation report before making any decisions.


d)  Bill Brown reported that he attended a meeting of the undergraduate ACLU, which meets every Monday.


e) Shirley reported a case in the Urbana schools, presented to her by the family.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:17.


                                                            Respectfully submitted,


                                                Shirley Stillinger


                                              NEXT MEETING: Thursday, December 4