[ACLU-CU ALERT] Help Defend Free Speech

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Fri Apr 18 18:03:16 EDT 2008

On Wednesday, April 23 at 7:00 p.m. in Room 314 Illini Union, the University of Illinois will sponsor a debate about hate speech and how to "balance" free speech and equal protection.
On Monday, April 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Urbana City Council chambers at 400 S. Vine Street (first floor), the Urbana City Council will hear testimony from many people urging the city to either: 
1 - censor an anti-Semitic program that is airing on Urbana Public Television (UPTV); or 
2 - end all public access programming on UPTV (to keep that one program off the air); or
3 - end all public access programming on UPTV that is not locally produced (to keep that one program off the air).
At the April 14 council committee meeting, the council members heard testimony from six of us who advocate free speech and from many more people promoting the notion that hate speech is not protected by the First Amendment (or saying the city council should put community sensibilities above concerns about the law and just take whatever action is necessary to keep the offensive program off the air).
On April 28, advocates of free speech will be even more greatly outnumbered unless YOU attend this meeting and speak against censorship.  Urbana council members are feeling the pressure from people who are justifiably offended by the hateful lies about Jewish people that are aired on the particular program in question and need to see and hear that many people in the community want them to refrain from any action that violates the Constitution, no matter how upset people are about hate speech.
The U.S. Supreme Court and lower courts have been consistent in ruling that governments cannot refuse certain programming, deny parade permits, prohibit use of public facilities, etc. based on the content of speech and that includes hate speech.  A little more than thirty years ago, the ACLU filed suit against the Village of Skokie IL for refusing a parade permit to the Nazi Party.  The ACLU won the case before the U.S. Supreme Court.   The importance of this victory is that if Nazi's cannot be denied a parade permit in Skokie, no group can be denied access to public facilities because of the group's politics or beliefs.  That is a freedom that protects us all.
I hope you can come to the April 28 meeting and sign in to speak - or at least fill out a sheet (they're on the table at the back of the room) to have your name entered into the record as a supporter of the First Amendment right to free speech.  (The agenda item is Urbana Public Television (UPTV) Public Access Policies and Procedures Manual Revisions).
Thank you,
Esther Patt
President, ACLU of Champaign County
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