[ACLU-CU ALERT] Fall Gathering this Sunday

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Fri Nov 14 14:32:19 EST 2008

2008 Fall Gathering
ACLU - Champaign County Chapter
Sunday, November 16th
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
2303 Savanna Dr, Champaign

Please join us on Sunday November 16th at the home of Richard and Susan Schnuer for our annual Fall Gathering social and fund raising event. Wine and cheese and other snacks will be provided. This is our only annual attempt to raise funds to cover mailings, small grants to the student chapter or other organizations for bringing speakers or holding public awareness events, purchasing educational materials, etc. Come meet the Steering Committe and share your concerns and interests in Civil Liberties.

Suggested donation: $20 ; Students/Limited Income: $5

download a map to the gathering: http://www.aclu-cu.org/pdf/FG08_map.pdf


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