[ACLU-CU ALERT] February 10 Lobby Day for Reproductive Health & Access Act
Champaign County ACLU Announcements
announce at aclu-cu.org
Sat Jan 16 10:19:17 EST 2010
Please join ACLU of Illinois for a lobby day at the State Capitol on Wednesday, February 10 to promote passage of the Reproductive Health and Access Act.
As you probably know, the opponents of reproductive choice always turn out their supporters for their lobby days and other events so it is vital that ACLU has a good showing of pro-choice supporters in Springfield on February 10. If you are one of the many people in our community required to take furlough days from work, consider making February 10 one of those days!
On February 10, before we meet with legislators, ACLU staff will provide a briefing on the Act and some lobbying tips. No one will have to speak with his or her legislator alone, even if you're the only constituent from that district who attends, so don't feel you need expertise on this issue to participate.
Even though Rep. Naomi Jakobsson is a co-sponsor of the legislation, your attendance matters because we're trying to boost statewide turnout for the event. And, if your state representative is Shane Cultra, Bill Black or Chapin Rose, your presence will be especially valuable.
If you will be able to join us for lobby day, please register with ACLU of Illinois (message below) and also please let me know that you'll be participating so we can coordinate car pools to Springfield. Please send your message to estherpatt at hotmail.com.
Esther Patt
President, Champaign County Chapter of ACLU of Illinois
COMMITTED to Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care in Illinois
Reproductive Health
Lobby Day
Wed., February 10th
Springfield, IL
Sign Up Now
We believe women have the right to a continuum of choices throughout their reproductive lives -- from honest sexual health education to access to quality birth control, prenatal care, and the right to choose abortion.
Join us this year in supporting the Reproductive Health and Access Act - legislation that guarantees everyone the ability to use or refuse contraception and ensures that every woman is able to make her own personal decisions about when and whether to have a child and to control her own reproductive health without interference.
Sign up now to attend Reproductive Health Lobby Day in Springfield on February 10th, or register for the ACLU of Illinois' Commit to Call event on February 11th.
Read more about the ACLU of Illinois' activities on our blog,
the ACLU Insider and visit our Facebook page.
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