[ACLU-CU ALERT] Urgent: NO to attacks on women's health care

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu Apr 7 12:36:03 EDT 2011

View this email online.Dear Friend,URGENTStop the attacks on reproductive health care!
OPPOSE HB 3156Share with your friends:
or They just don't get it. Proponents of House Bill 3156 think that Illinois needs more
 excessive and unnecessary government regulation of reproductive health 
care - and that the best place for politicians is right in the exam room
 next to your doctor!This dangerous bill is part of a nationwide effort to deny women access to abortion. Tell your state representative to vote NO on House Bill 3156.HB
 3156 would force health care providers to build the “functional 
equivalent of small hospitals” before providing abortion care – 
including non-surgical, medication abortions. While the bill may appear 
to be about patient care, its real goal is to put safe, regulated 
clinics out of business - and end access to abortion in Illinois. There is no time to lose. This dangerous measure could be called for a vote at any moment. Take action today!Sincerely,

Colleen Connell
Executive Director
ACLU of IllinoisRead more about the ACLU of Illinois' activities on our blog, the ACLU Insider. Also visit our Facebook and Twitter pages.© American Civil Liberties Union of Illinois
180 N. Michigan, Suite 2300 · Chicago, IL 60601
www.aclu-il.org · p: (312) 201-9740
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