[ACLU-CU ALERT] CU in Illinois Brief

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Sat Aug 20 14:08:14 EDT 2011

Just a quick note to members in order to highlight articles of local interest in the current edition of the ACLU of Illinois "Illinois Brief" newsletter.  Be sure to check out the centerfold - page 8 profiles our Champaign County Chapter co-founder, past president and long-time steering committee member, Victor Stone, who passed away in November.  The story on the facing page about civil unions features a photo of "celebratory gifts" we provided couples at the Brookens center on June 1 when they applied for civil union licenses.

The current issue is not yet available on-line.  If you aren't receiving ACLU-IL mailings, it may be time to renew your membership!  You may join or renew your membership at:
Membership at the National level includes membership in the State of Illinois affiliate and Champaign County chapter.

If you happen to be going to Pride Fest tonight at Lincoln Square, be sure to stop by our information table and say hi!  We will also be at Market at the Square on September 10.  These are good opportunities to pick up information, chat about your interests in civil liberties and suggest actions for our local chapter.

Bill Brown, Chapter President
urbanabill at yahoo.com

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