[ACLU-CU ALERT] Tomorrow night at the Urbana Free Library

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Tue Oct 18 15:43:02 EDT 2011

Catholic Charities v. DCFS

Wednesday, October 19th
6:00 PM at the Urbana Free Library Auditorium

Join Karen Sheley, one of the lead attorneys for the ACLU in Catholic Charities v. DCFS, for a discussion on the ACLU of
 Illinois’ intervention in the case.

The Diocese of Peoria announced that it is abandoning 
litigation and transferring all of its foster care and adoption 
operations, including children, case workers, supervisors and clinical 
services, to a new, separate entity. The new organization will not be 
bound by the religious tenets asserted by
 Catholic Charities. The Joliet, Springfield and Belleville dioceses are
 still pursuing legal options.

Last week, IL Senator Kyle McCarter of Springfield introduced a bill (SB 2495) that would amend the Civil Union Act to allow faith-based discrimination by making it possible for state-funded adoption agencies to deny applications that would conflict with their religious beliefs.

Sheley will also be speaking at 12:00
 Noon at the College of Law.
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