[ACLU-CU ALERT] Community Invitation - Non-Biased Police Training

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Fri Feb 17 18:32:07 EST 2012

The time for this training is 8:00 AM until noon.  Light refreshments will be provided.

Mr. Berry has been providing training for Urbana officers this week.  All officers were required to attend one of four 4-hour sessions. The training focused on raising awareness of potential biased policing, including racial profiling, and what officers and the community can do to help prevent biased policing and improve police-community relations.  It included anonymous "live" poling of the groups by remote device to determine current perceptions of their success in this area, and how they feel police are perceived in the community.

Tomorrow's session is for any community members who are interested in the issue, and will likely include Mr. Berry's summary of what he learned from the police during the training sessions.

Bill Brown
urbanabill at yahoo.com

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