[ACLU-CU ALERT] Chapter update

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Tue Apr 9 00:58:29 EDT 2013

Today, Tuesday April 7th, is election day!  Champaign and Urbana and most area townships and school boards have some contested races.  Parkland College board is also up for election.  

The full specimen ballot is here:

Candidate contact information is available here:

Coming up this Wednesday, April 10th, is a march and candlelight vigil to support comprehensive immigration reform, as a part of a National Day of Action going on across the country.
The march will begin at the University YMCA at 5:30PM, continue to the East Central Illinois Refugee Mutual Assistance Center (ECIRMAC) at 309 West Green, Urbana around 6:00 and to the federal courthouse in downtown Urbana at 6:30 for a rally.  You may join anywhere along the route.


The Illinois legislature is back in session and may take up the equal marriage bill (SB10) in the House soon.  Naomi Jakobsson is a sponsor, but the three Republican representatives in Champaign County need to hear from you!  Because of holdouts among some downstate Democrats, this bill will need Republican votes to pass.

Chad Hays is probably our best bet - he is your representative if you live in:
NE Champaign County (Rantoul, Thomasboro, Flatville, Royal)
Savoy north of Church Street
these Champaign areas: Devonshire, Devonshire South, Southwood, Robeson Meadows, Maynard Lake, Cherry Hills
or any of these Urbana areas: Stone Creek, Southridge, Yankee Ridge, or around Wheatfield Park.

Chad Hays
Springfield Office
222-N Stratton Office Building
Springfield, IL 62706
(217) 782-4811

District Office:
7 E. Fairchild Street
Danville, IL 61832
(217) 477-0104
(217) 477-0102 FAX

Email: chad at chaddhays.com

Other Champaign County Representatives are:

Bill Mitchell (101st, NW Champaign County)
repmitchell at earthlink.net
632 State Capitol Building
Springfield, IL  62706

Adam Brown (102nd, Southern Champaign County)
510 Staley Rd, Suite B
Champaign, IL 61822

If you attended our annual meeting on Sunday, you'll remember that Bob Naiman made a request that we call Sen. Durbin's office and suggest some questions for the upcoming hearings.  The April 16 Durbin hearing "will focus on the constitutional and statutory authority for targeted killings; the scope of the battlefield and who can be targeted as a combatant; and establishing a transparent legal framework for the use of drones."

Specifically, he suggested we ask Durbin:
1) To see the memos in possession of the state department detailing the number of civilian deaths in Pakistan.
2) Does the US Government count any military aged males killed by drones as enemy combatants?
3) How many times have we used secondary strikes (which kill rescue workers and doctors that come to the aid after a strike)?
4) What percentage of those killed are terrorist leaders?

Senator Dick Durbin
525 South 8th St.
Springfield, IL 62703
8:30 am to 5 pm
(217) 492-4062 - phone
(217) 492-4382 - fax

The public meeting with the jail consultant that was cancelled on April 1st has been rescheduled for Wednesday April 17th:

CUCPJ invites you to a public meeting with:
Dr. Alan Kalmanoff
Wednesday, April 17 6:15 p.m.
Urbana Free Library
210 W. Green St 

Dr. Kalmanoff is the Director of the 
Institute for Law and Public Policy (ILPP), the firm hired by Champaign 
County to conduct a needs assessment regarding the county jail and 
related criminal justice issues. Dr. Kalmanoff has been interviewing 
people and gathering data for his assessment since November. This 
meeting will be an opportunity to hear some of his findings and to 
present your concerns to him in person. Come and be heard!
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