Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Wed Jul 3 09:22:13 EDT 2013

March with the ACLU in the Freedom Celebration Parade on the Fourth!

Our grouping in the parade is supposed to report at 10AM for a 11:05AM parade start.  Given our location in the queue (#84), this is WAY early.  The Leffs volunteer to check in at ten for us, as is required,  but you need not arrive this early, since last year we were told to get there at 12:30 for a 1PM parade start, and we didn't start marching till 2PM (we were number 72 last year).  If our contingent is here by 11 - 11:30, that should be sufficient; though feel free to come earlier to keep us company.

The assembly area for the parade is E-14 on the west side of the Assembly Hall.  Since the parade proceeds numerically, one can find our slot by following the numbers or asking at the check-in point at the South West entrance to parking area E14 on Oak Street.  The parade route proceeds east on Florida, turns north at Lincoln, and turns west at Illinois to disperse near Goodwin. It doesn't say where to park if one drives, but I think one can park in the non-staging area of E-14 if I remember from last year, going in from Oak Street. Alternatively, one could park at the end of the route, say under Krannert, and walk about 20 minutes to the E14 staging area.

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