[ACLU-CU ALERT] Panel Discussion and Film Thursday at 7PM

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Tue Mar 5 10:02:18 EST 2013

Thursday March 7th, 7PM
NCSA Auditorium
65th anniversary celebration of the Supreme Court decision in McCollum vs. Board of Education

A free screening of Jay Rosenstein’s
Peabody Award-winning documentary,
"The Lord Is Not On Trial Here Today"
 7:00 PM, NCSA Auditorium, 1205 West Clark St, Urbana
(across Goodwin Street from WILL - Richmond Studio)
free admission

 Followed by a panel discussion
 about the relevance of the McCollum decision today featuring:

 Ken Paulson - President and CEO, The First Amendment Center
Previously, Paulson served as the editor and senior vice president/news of USA Today. He is now a columnist on USA Today’s board of contributors, writing about First Amendment issues and the news media.

 Adam Schwartz - Senior Staff Counsel, ACLU Illinois
Mr. Schwartz graduated from the Howard University School of Law in 1995. He served as a law clerk for Judge Betty B. Fletcher of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.   He works on cases involving racial discrimination, police practices, and the First Amendment.

 Annie Laurie Gaylor - Co-President, Freedom From Religion Foundation
Annie Laurie Gaylor is co-founder of the Freedom From Religion Foundation and is also editor of the organization's newspaper, Freethought Today, which is published ten times per year. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Journalism, she has also been active for feminist causes.

Jay Rosenstein - Professor, Univ. of Illinois Dept. of Journalism, award winning writer, producer, and director.
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