[ACLU-CU ALERT] Champaign County ACLU updates
Champaign County ACLU Announcements
announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu Mar 28 08:35:10 EDT 2013
Annual Meeting
Remember to reserve your place at our Annual Meeting and Brunch coming up on Sunday April 7th! If you plan to attend and haven't mailed your RSVP, you can register on-line:
or, just email Bill at urbanabill at yahoo.com
We will need to provide a final number to the I-Hotel by Monday.
Public Input on County Jail Facilities
In follow-up to our recent email about the public input forum scheduled for Monday April 1st (6-8PM, Urbana Civic Center), Michael Richards reminded me that public input is also welcome at the Champaign County Community Justice Task Force meetings. Their next meeting is tonight, Thursday March 28th at 6:00 PM in the Putnam meeting room at Brookens Administrative Center, 1776 E Washington.
When you join the ACLU at the state or national level, you are also automatically members of the local chapter and should receive our newsletter. If you didn't receive one, the Spring 2013 issue is available on our website:
2013 Annual Meeting & Brunch
Sunday, April 7th
I Hotel & Conference Center - 1900 S. First St., Champaign
11:00 AM - Registration
11:30 AM - BRUNCH
12:15 PM - business meeting and awards:
Karen Bush (W Ellison Chalmers Award)
A. Belden Fields (Victor Stone Award)
12:30 PM - speaker Robert Naiman
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