[ACLU-CU ALERT] annual CU ACLU meeting

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu Mar 27 14:55:31 EDT 2014

The Champaign County ACLU ANNUAL MEETING AND BRUNCH will be Sunday APRIL 13

at the Hawthorne Suites Conference Center
State Street, Champaign (south of Kirby/Florida)
11:00 Doors Open, 11:30 Brunch Served; 12:15 Program

Brunch Meals are $25 per person. You may come at 12:15 (or so) for the program without cost.

You may register and pay for meals on line at 


To register and pay at the door, send an email with the names of those coming and the number of meals desired to:

info at aclu-cu.org

The guest speaker is Prof. Richard Warner who sill speak on
Government Surveillance and Corporate Cooperation

Some information about Prof. Warner is at:

State Rep. Naomi Jakobsson will be honored with the Victor Stone Award

Esther Patt will be awarded the Horace Norton award for service to the chapter.

There will be a very short business meeting to elect officers for next year, introduce Steering Committee members, and make a very few announcements.

The office candidates are:  
President: Carol Sprindel
Vice Pres: Stephen Portnoy
Treasurer: Esther Patt
Secretary: Carol Leff

We hope to see you there. Meanwhile, feel free to check our activities or get more information at


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