[ACLU-CU ALERT] ACLU Illinois Executive Director Discusses Net Neutrality

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Wed Nov 19 11:52:10 EST 2014

Dear ACLU Members,

Colleen Connell, the Executive Director of ACLU Illinois, recently
discussed the importance of net neutrality on the program "Chicago Tonight" on
WTTW. As you may be aware, the ACLU has been at the forefront of advocacy
in support of net neutrality, as part of an effort to insure that the
Internet remains free and open for all viewpoints. You can access the
conversation at the PBS web site at

The FCC has delayed its vote on net neutrality until 2015 so it's important
to keep up the pressure. If you haven't contacted the FCC about this issue,
you can do so through the ACLU here:


Thanks for your support!

Carol Spindel
President, Champaign County ACLU
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