[ACLU-CU ALERT] Overcriminalized

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Wed Feb 11 14:10:02 EST 2015

Dear ACLU members,

Thanks to all of you who came out to the Art Theater last night for our
showing of Overcriminalized and community conversation. About one hundred
people took part. If you couldn't make it, and would like to see the short
half-hour documentary Overcriminalized, or saw it and would like to share
it, the link for online streaming is below:


We very much appreciate the attendance of Police Chiefs Conley and Cobb,
Deputy Sheriff Allen Jones, Mayor Prussing, and Nancy Carter, president of

A special thanks again to our panel members, Brian Jefferson, UIUC; Sheila
Ferguson, Community Elements; George Vargas, Office of the Public Defender;
and Ed Yohnka, Illinois ACLU.

Some of the points raised in the conversation included:

The need to change laws to shorten sentences and increase parole for
non-violent crimes;
The need for a Mental Health Court to deal with mentally ill people who
commit petty crimes;
The need to make sure there are services for inmates released as part of a
reduction of the prison population;
Questions about the best use of our local funds -- building a new jail VS.
remodeling and using funds for social service programs.
Funding for social service programs -- desperately needed but will we
commit to it?
The need to turn talk into action.

Nancy Carter, president of NAMI, also invited everyone to NAMI's monthly
open meetings -- the second Monday of every month at the Champaign Public
Library from 7-8. On March 9 Julia Rietz will be their guest speaker.

Thanks again for your support of the Champaign County ACLU.

Carol Spindel on behalf of the Steering Committee
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