[ACLU-CU ALERT] Request For Public Comment on Urbana IDOT Task Force Report

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu Sep 17 21:15:05 EDT 2015

Copied below is the official request for public comment on the findings of the Urbana Task Force which was established more than a year ago to study racial disparities in traffic stops.  The web page for the task force is:http://urbanaillinois.us/boards/idot-traffic-stop-data-task-force
Toward the bottom of that page are links to the PDF documents of the report and its appendices.  The current version is dated Sept 2, 2015.
The ACLU was instrumental in establishing the enabling legislation that requires police jurisdictions statewide to collect basic data on race with every traffic stop.  The Illinois Department of Transportation furnishes yearly summary reports for all jurisdictions and the more detailed data is available for further analysis.  The Urbana Task Force, chaired by Peter Resnick, approached the issue methodically from various perspectives, not only doing a thorough re-evaluation of the detailed statistics over a 10-year period,  but also considered community impact and police procedures.  They welcome your input and any comments will become part of the final report.

on the Urbana IDOT Traffic Stop Data Task Force’s (“Task Force”)
Preliminary Findings Report to the City Council (Revised 09-02-2015)
On September 2, 2015, the Task Force prepared a revised version of the July 5, 2015 “IDOT Traffic Stop Data Task Force Preliminary Findings Report to the City Council.” The Task Force now requests and invites public comment on the report.
DATES: Comments should be received on or before September 30, 2015.
Comments may be submitted by any of the following methods:
   - By E-mail to HRO at urbanaillinois.us
   - By Mail to Human Relations Office, City of Urbana, 400 South Vine Street, Urbana, IL 61801

Submissions should refer to “IDOT Traffic Stop Data Task Force Preliminary Findings Report”. All comments received will be made public and posted without alteration. You should submit only information that you wish to make publicly available.
The I.D.O.T. Traffic Stop Data Task Force was established by Urbana City Council Resolution NO. 2014-01-002   
   - The Task Force is charged with identifying and studying any racial disparities that may exist in local traffic stop data supplied annually to the City by the Illinois Department of Transportation (I.D.O.T.), and attempting to find the source and cause of any disparity.   

   - The Task Force is directed to examine multiple aspects of the traffic stop data, including race, driver age, residence, stop time, stop location, the reason for the stop, vehicle age, and any other information the Task Force finds to be useful.   

   - The Task Force will also look beyond traffic stop data to consider census and unemployment data, high school graduation rates, and incarceration statistics from the September 2013 study of the Champaign County justice system.
· Visit us on the Web at: http://urbanaillinois.us/boards/idot-traffic-stop-data-task-force; or
· Contact the Human Relations Office by mail to: Human Relations Office, City of Urbana, 400
South Vine Street, Urbana, Illinois 61801-3336; or by telephone to (217) 384-2455; or by fax to:
(217) 328-8288.
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