[ACLU-CU ALERT] JULY 4 -- March with ACLU

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Fri Jul 1 17:28:58 EDT 2016

Please join other ACLU members to march in the Champaign Country Freedom
Celebration parade on Monday.  This year we will have as guest marchers a
group of young African civil society leaders from the Mandela Fellowship
program on campus this summer-- I have met them and they are great.

We are #55, half way through the line-up.  Check-in is 10:30, and I will do
that.   Past experience says that everyone else will be perfectly safe to
come by 11:15.  If you drive, you enter by the Oak Street entrance to the
big parking lot west of the Assembly Hall (the block between St Mary and
Kirby).  There is parking in the NW corner for parade participants (the
rest is taken up by floats and marchers etc).  Our Station, number 55,
looks to be at the south end of the parking lot practically to St mary's --
the stations are numbered.  Rain or shine, but not thunderstorm. The route
takes about an hour to walk.

Carol Leff
VP, Champaign County ACLU
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