[ACLU-CU ALERT] Help Senate Bill 1564 become law!

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Wed Jun 22 15:46:39 EDT 2016

Dear Champaign County ACLU Members,

*Senate Bill 1564 was sent to the Governor’s desk earlier this week and we
need your help in persuading the Governor to sign this important bill
amending the Illinois’ Health Care Right of Conscience Act – one of the
broadest and most harmful religious health care refusal laws in the country*
. Under the current law, doctors, nurses, and other health care providers
can refuse to provide care, and even information, to patients based on
religious objections of the providers (or the facilities in which they
work). SB 1564 protects Illinois patients by ensuring that they are given
the information they need to understand their medical conditions, make
informed medical decisions, and seek the care they need. Lorie Chaiten
drafted this bill and negotiated its language in a way that allowed our
traditional opposition on these matters to be neutral on the bill.  Our
legislative team, assisted by our Women’s and Reproductive Rights Project
staff, moved this bill through the General Assembly.

In order to ensure that this important piece of legislation becomes law, we
are planning phases of outreach to the Governor’s office.  We would
appreciate it if you would  call (217- 782-0244), send an email or write a
personal letter to Governor Rauner asking him to sign this bill.

Here is a link
the action alert Illinois ACLU sent about the bill*.  *

Your help can make the difference! Thank you in advance for taking action!
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