[ACLU-CU ALERT] volunteer tomorrow to support student protestors

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu Apr 19 20:38:39 EDT 2018

Dear ACLU members,

The high school students organizing the walk-out tomorrow have reached out
to us because they still need adult volunteers to help out. There is a link
below to sign up for one (or more) 30-minute shift/s. They are not inviting
the general public to their teach-in because of lack of space.

Champaign County ACLU

>From the high school organizers:

We have a form to officially sign up for times to volunteer here:


Please fill out the form even if you already filled out the google form.

More information about the help we need is below. Please let me know if you
have any questions.

For all volunteers: if you become aware of a potentially violent
altercation (for example with a counter-protester) please contact Valerie
O’Brien or call 911 as appropriate.

Marching: This involves making sure students obey traffic laws and stay on
the official route (we haven’t finalized the official routes yet so we will
be sending out an email with maps once we do). Feel free to bring signs for
the march and participate in chants.

Urbana High to the IMC: please arrive at Lincoln Statue at Carle Park by
10am. The students will march out at 10am. When they do, please find Isaac
Gewirth. Ask any of the the students wearing a volunteer button (dark grey
with volunteer in red letters) if you need help finding him. Isaac will
help space the volunteers out where we need them.

Uni to the IMC: please arrive at Uni by 10am. Students will walk out at 10am
and meet in the grassy area between Uni and Uni Gym. When the students walk
out, please find Emma Loewenstein. Ask any of the the students wearing a
volunteer button (dark grey with volunteer in red letters) if you need help
finding her. Emma will help space the volunteers out where we need them.

IMC to Urbana High or Uni High: please arrive at the IMC by 2:50. Ask
anyone wearing a volunteer button for help finding one of the volunteer
coordinators Emma Loewenstein and Anya Kaplan-Hartnett. Once you have
checked in with the volunteer coordinators, they will help you figure out
where in the marches we need volunteers.

Volunteering throughout the teach-in. From 10am to 3pm we need volunteers
to help direct students at the IMC. Rather than have volunteers sign up for
specific jobs, we decided it will be more effective to have out volunteer
coordinators let volunteers know what we need help with at a given time,
taking into account any preferences you noted on the google form or told
us. Some of the things volunteers will do includes directing students back
to the speaking area after lunch and breaks, being available to answer
student questions (eg help finding bathrooms or quiet spaces), and helping
with workshops (eg passing out postcards and writing utensils, directing
poster making).

We have divided the teach-in into 30 minute shifts and would love to have
at least 10 adults at any given time. We would love to have you for as many
shifts as you can make. Please arrive at the IMC a few minutes before your
shift. When you get there, find the volunteer coordinator. Anyone wearing a
volunteer button can help you.

Cleanup: We are anticipating that there will be some mess just from the
large number of participants and so we would love help with whatever we
need to do to get the IMC back in the shape it started in

Buttons: All the volunteer coordinators will have volunteer buttons to help
participants easily identify volunteers. The teach-in is not open to the
general public because of space concerns, but we would love to have anyone
wearing a volunteer button join us for any part of the day, including
before or after you’re officially volunteering.

Transportation: Urbana High, Uni High, and the IMC are accessible by mtd.
To go to the IMC, volunteers can park at Lincoln Square Mall or at the
parking garage in downtown Urbana. Marchers starting at Urbana High can
park on nearby streets. Marchers starting at Uni can park in the NCSA
parking garage.

*Food:* We will not be providing lunch so please plan on bringing whatever
food you need.

We also have our program of speakers:

10:40-10:50 MCs - welcome statement, housekeeping

10:50-11:05 Jobie Taylor on gun violence in CU

      11:05-11:20 Kim Bryan on suicide

11:20-11:30 break

11:30-11:35 performance

11:35-11:50 Isak Griffiths on domestic violence

11:50-12:05 Nino Rodriguez on police brutality

12:05-12:20 TBD on gun violence and the LGBTQ community

12:20-1:00 Lunch (please bring a lunch)

1:00-1:05 performance

1:05-1:20 Valerie O'Brien on toxic masculinity

1:20-1:35 Aaron Ammons on voting, voter registration, and voter suppression

1:35-1:50 Carol Spindel on protesting rights

1:50-2:05 TBD on contacting your reps effectively

2:05-2:10 MCs directing postcards to representatives

2:10-2:20 break

2:20-2:25 performance

2:25-2:40 Evelyn Reynolds on privilege

2:40-2:55 Janice Walker on experience as a survivor

2:55-3:00 performance
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