[ACLU-CU ALERT] Fwd: Where to join tomorrow’s rallies near Urbana:

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu May 31 20:58:15 EDT 2018

*It's time to act! Please try to come out tomorrow, Friday June 1, at noon
at 201 S. Vine, Urbana. And please forward this message to others.*


Carol Spindel
Champaign County ACLU

[image: People Power | ACLU]

Friday, we’re bringing a message right to the people tearing apart
immigrant families:

*We won’t sit quietly while the Trump administration separates and detains
parents and children, because **families belong together**.*

*Nearly 200 Families Belong Together rallies are taking place at
immigration enforcement offices in cities from Bakersfield to Boston,
Dallas to Detroit – including near Urbana.*

*[image: People Power map]*

Every single day, ICE, the Border Patrol, and U.S. Attorneys rip apart
families that are fleeing persecution and violence, trying to start a
better life in this country. There’s no excuse for that kind of cruelty,
and they must stop immediately. There’s still time to join an event near

Events Near You

#FamiliesBelongTogether Rally At U.S. Attorney's Office
United States Attorney's Office
201 S. Vine St., Suite 226, Urbana, IL
Friday, June 1, 12:00 PM

The events will be family-friendly, so bring your friends, wheel your
stroller over, grab your lunch boxes, and get ready to make your voice
heard – because families belong together.

I’ll be rallying with my friends and family in Washington, DC, and I hope
you’ll join near you, too.

See you in the streets,

Lorella Praeli, ACLU People Power

PS - When you’re at an event on Friday, make sure to post a photo of you
and your family on social media with the #FamiliesBelongTogether hashtag
and send your best ones to photos at peoplepower.org.*

* By sending a message to photos at peoplepower.org, you agree that we can use
any photos or videos in any of ACLU’s social media, print, and/or online
content at any time, and that they are original, that they do not infringe
on the rights of others.
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