[ACLU-CU ALERT] Fwd: FW: Witness slips for data collection bill!

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Mon Feb 25 09:24:26 EST 2019

Dear ACLU members and supporters,

It is going to be a busy few weeks for our colleagues working in
Springfield.  They could use your help. Below is a message from our
legislative assistant Chelsea Diaz about filing a witness slip on our bill
to make permanent the collection of data on traffic and pedestrian stops by
police in Illinois.  We have been working on this issue as an organization
for nearly two decades and it is a high priority to get the collection of
this data made permanent.  *If you have a few moments to spare, file a slip
as a PROPONENT. You are not filing for the ACLU. You file as an individual
and put SELF in the box.* You choose *Record** of Appearance Only* in the
final box. Be sure to click Create Slip. You should get a confirmation

THANKS for stepping up and please feel free to forward!

ACLU of Champaign County

Hey ACLU of IL,

Our data collection bill ( *HB 1613
which would make traffic and pedestrian data collection by law enforcement
a permanent practice in Illinois, will be heard in the *House Judiciary
-Criminal Committee Tuesday, February 26th at 3pm*. A factsheet is attached.

*If possible, we would love for you to file a witness slip in support of HB
1613 by close of business Monday. * *You can slip in support of HB 1613
I have also attached detailed instructions on how to file a witness slip
 (this will be a “legislation only” hearing, so refer to those
instructions). Feel free to share this information with your networks. You
will be filing as an INDIVIDUAL so you put SELF in the box. The
instructions attached below show you how, step by step.

Please let me know if you have any questions or trouble filing a witness


Chelsea Diaz

Legislative Associate

ACLU of Illinois

Pronouns: she/her/hers

312.201.9740 ext 309

cdiaz at aclu-il.org <kbennett at aclu-il.org>

150 N Michigan Ave, Suite 600

Chicago, IL 60601

*This message and any files or text attached to it are intended only for
the recipients named above, and contain information that may be
confidential or privileged. If you are not an intended recipient, you must
not read, copy, use or disclose this communication. Please also notify the
sender by replying to this message, and then delete all copies of it from
your system. Thank you.*
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