[ACLU-CU ALERT] Tomorrow ACLU Illinois Webinar on privacy and civil liberties in a time of great change

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Mon Jun 29 12:29:32 EDT 2020

  Reminder that ACLU Illinois is hosting a hourlong webinar on privacy and
civil liberties
Tuesday  June 30 7PM.  You can sign up to attend Click here to sign up to
One issue is sharing covid information, but more broadly, be thinking about
the questions raised by face recognition software and other important
privacy and civil liberties issues that have been amplified by the global
health pandemic, protest movement, and increasing police use of technology.

On facial recognition, bear in mind that facial recognition is particularly
bad at confusing people of color.  Consider this recent Michigan story about
Robert Williams, a man  arrested in Detroit last January based on facial
recognition technology.   Gayle King on CBS commented "we don't all look
alike."   Here's a story about it from Washington Post.
There was also a big story in the NY Times including a quote from the ACLU
of Michigan lawyer.

and in NY TImes:

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