Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Fri Mar 13 09:28:23 EDT 2020

Dear Champaign County ACLU Members and Supporters,

*To protect the health of our community, we are cancelling our annual
meeting scheduled for Sunday, March 29.*
We hope to reschedule in the future. Please share this information with
fellow supporters and stay well!

If your ACLU membership is current, you should receive a printed newsletter
from us in the mail in the next week. If you do not receive a newsletter
and want to renew your membership, you can do so at
Remember: when you join ACLU, you are a member of the national ACLU, ACLU
Illinois, and the local chapter (that's us!). It's a 3-in-one deal.

If you would like to receive your annual newsletter via email in the
future, saving on paper and mailing costs, please email us at
info at aclu-cu.org with EMAIL NEWSLETTER in the subject line.
As always, thanks for supporting your local ACLU.
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