[ACLU-CU ALERT] Urbana Police Reform Listening Sessions

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Mon Oct 26 16:10:12 EDT 2020

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Dear Steering Committee Members and ACLU friends,

The city of Urbana is revising its use of force policy and has announced
three Listening Sessions for the public to share their concerns and
suggestions. If you live in Urbana, we hope you will consider
participating. The first session is specifically for youth to express their
opinions and suggestions. You can also send your suggestions and concerns
to the city via email. We will continue to post use-of-force reform
information on our Champaign County ACLU Facebook page.

Here is the information the city has provided. Also, see the attached


On June 22, 2020, the City of Urbana affirmed by Resolution No.
2020-06-031R the "Ten Shared Principles" developed by the NAACP and
Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police. The adoption agreement between
the City of Urbana Police Department and the NAACP of Champaign County was
signed September 17, 2020.

As a next step toward building greater trust in the community, the Urbana
Police Department (UPD) will revise its Use of Force Policy to incorporate
the "Ten Shared Principles." The UPD is seeking community input on the
policy during three public Listening Sessions on November 12 and 13, 2020.

"The risks are high for both citizens and officers when uses of force
occur, so it is vital for us to get community feedback on this topic. Trust
is an essential component of community policing and our transparency about
how and when officers use force can help build this trust", said Police
Chief Bryant Seraphin.

Listening Sessions information and additional resources for the public to
use in considering revisions to the Use of Force Policy can be found at

The City of Urbana welcomes you to attend one of the Listening Sessions
and/or send comments related to the Use of Force Policy to the following
email address: UseofForcePolicy at urbanaillinois.us<mailto:
UseofForcePolicy at urbanaillinois.us>.
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