[ACLU-CU ALERT] Fwd: 📣📣📣One-Minute Action Item: Call-in to Stop the Misuse of COVID Funds📣📣📣
Champaign County ACLU Announcements
announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu Nov 18 10:17:21 EST 2021
ACLU of Champaign County
*ALL CONTACT INFO and how to identify your rep IS BELOW.*
You can share the campaign from this link:
*Thank you!*
“Hello, my name is _________________. I’m a constituent in your district
and am calling to ask that you vote “no” on the proposal to spend American
Rescue Plan funds on the Champaign County Satellite Jail. Those funds are
intended for facilities negatively affected by the pandemic. The local jail
does not meet that criterion, and jails in general are proven sites of
deadly COVID spread. Investing recovery money in the Champaign County Jail
misallocates funds that should be used to improve social services that
support our community’s health and safety.”
Why Are We Doing This?
On Thursday (11/18), the Champaign County Board will be voting to dedicate
$5 million in American Rescue Plan funds toward the Champaign County
Satellite Jail.
The allocation of coronavirus recovery funds to the jail would provide
COVID relief to a facility whose finances have not been negatively impacted
by the pandemic. Quite the contrary, in the 2019-2020 fiscal year,
Champaign County collected $9 million in bail money — nearly $5 million
more than the previous year.
Further, this proposed expenditure would come at a time when the
implementation of the Pretrial Fairness Act
<https://endmoneybond.org/pretrialfairness/> will have drastically reduced
the jail population and rendered changes to the facility unnecessary.
In addition to calling your County Board members, you can also attend the
County Board meeting this Thursday, 6:30 PM at the Brookens Center (1776 E
Washington St, Urbana) and voice your opposition during the meeting’s
public comments section.
Your district’s County Board members’ contact info is below. To find your
district, please see these links:
Like and share on Facebook
District 1
Jacob Paul
Office Phone: (217)351-7653
Email: 217jpaul at gmail.com
Jim Goss
Phone: 217-202-6557
Email: jegoss64 at gmail.com
District 2
Jodi Wolken
Phone: 217-841-1623
Email: jwolken4 at aol.com
Diane Michaels
Phone: 217-892-4287
Email: michaels at illicom.net
District 3
Aaron Esry
Phone: 217-840-6884
Email: ale7496 at yahoo.com
Stanley C. Harper
Phone: 217-369-2986
Email: stancharper at gmail.com
District 4
Brad Passalacqua
Phone: 217-778-0119
Email: bpassalacqua2020 at gmail.com
Jim McGuire
Email: jimmcgu1 at gmail.com
District 5
Bethany Vanichtheeranont
Phone: 779-903-4674
Email: Champaigncbdistrict5 at gmail.com
Leah Taylor
Email: leahtaylor100 at gmail.com
District 6
Samantha Carter
Phone: 217-351-9780
Email: jazzielooks at gmail.com
Jenny Lokshin
Phone: 217-329-5906
Email: jenny.lokshin at gmail.com
District 7
Eric Thorsland
Email: ericfor1 at yahoo.com
Kyle Patterson
Phone: 217-840-2317
Email: kylepatterson at co.champaign.il.us
District 8
Stephanie Fortado
Phone: 217-722-7544
Email: fortadoccb at gmail.com
Emily Rodriguez
Email: erodriguez at co.champaign.il.us
District 9
Jennifer Straub
Email: jennifer.straub61801 at gmail.com
Steve Summers
Email: ssummers at co.champaign.il.us
District 10
Chris Stohr
Phone: 217-328-4071
Email: cstohr.ccbd10 at gmail.com
Mary King
Phone: 217-714-7055
Email: maryking4countyboard at gmail.com
District 11
Lorraine Cowart
Phone: 217-355-9042
Email: lcowart at co.champaign.il.us
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