[ACLU-CU ALERT] Join ACLU Champaign County to March in Pride Parade Saturday October 1

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Wed Sep 28 08:54:49 EDT 2022

Saturday morning the weather will be beautiful for the Pride parade.
Please join ACLU Champaign county to support this important and fun event
(information below) We have a supportive message to send and goodies to
distribute to the crowd mostly along Green street (some candy, some ACLU
stickers, some leis, and some pride flags) because this is a parade lavish
with goodies.

We are number 64 in a parade of 69 and I will be checking in at the
starting location at South Gregory and W Illinois by 10:45. Because we are
so late in the lineup and don’t have vehicles or floats, we aren't stressed
to be earlier.  The parade starts at 11

Here is the official information

*Reporting for Parade Line Up:* *South Gregory & W. Illinois   *

*Parade participants who are walking, biking, rolling or riding in a
vehicle should report between 10:15 and 10:45am*

*you may throw candy, and you're encouraged to do so! *Please throw softly
and underhand and toward where the street meets the sidewalk so kids don't
go running into the middle of the street where they could get hurt by
parade participants.* But absolutely NO GLITTER OR CONFETTI MAY BE THROWN
per city regulations*

Please make sure to represent Pride in your decorations, attire, signage,
etc. Each parade entry should be colorful, with the recommendation of
representing the LGBTQ+ Rainbow colors of Red (light), Orange (healing),
Yellow (sun), Green (calmness/nature), Blue (serenity/harmony), and Purple
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