[ACLU-CU ALERT] aclu allies on criminal justice reform

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Mon Sep 18 13:28:11 EDT 2023

Normally we don’t bombard you with messaging on the local ACLU announce
list, but this is a hectic month.  In addition to the ACLU related events
for Pridefest parade and tabling, and our panel on the banned books issue
Oct 1, this is a historic week

Today the law went into effect that made Illinois the first state to
eliminate money bond. ACLU Illinois has forwarded this and broader criminal
justice reforms for years and our state organization and our local chapter
are in the Illinois Pre-trial Justice Network

 We await the pushback and the glitches and the things that need fixing.

But if you want to more about incarceration and the Pretrial Justice Act
(pre-trial= pre-conviction and sentencing), here are two upcoming events
tomorrow and Wednesday from community allies with shared issue agendas on
criminal justice reform

*Tomorrow at the Illinois Terminal Building*

A final reminder that we are partnering with the Illinois Humanities
Council in sponsoring an evening with Renaldo Hudson in Champaign on *September
19th at 5:30 p.m. at the City View* room on the *fourth floor of the MTD
Terminal in Champaign. *

In case you have not heard, Renaldo Hudson is a special person for us at
FirstFollowers. He spent 37 years in IDOC, was released on a clemency
petition in 2020 and since then has been a powerful voice for freedom and
change to the criminal legal system in Illinois. He is an artist, an
inspiring speaker, an organizer for freedom and ending mass incarceration.
If you haven't had the pleasure of hearing or seeing Renaldo, check him out
then join us on September 19th.

 Please register for this event here
Even if you don't register you are welcome.


   There will be food.

  *Champaign Mayor Deb Feinen* will be welcoming Renaldo.

*Wednesday on zoom*

FirstFollowers Champaign-Urbana
proud to partner with Champaign County Bailout Coalition - CCBC
present a summary of the Pretrial Fairness Act. This landmark legislation
gives freedom to all those who have been incarcerated without conviction
simply because they could not afford money bond. We are proud of Illinois
for paving the way. The summary will be done by #Briana
policy researcher at Chicago Appleseed and major activist in making the Act
a reality. This will be a zoom event on *Wednesday, September 20 at 1 p.m.
This is the link:*

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