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<body class='hmmessage'>1. Season one of the ACLU Freedom Files (2006) will air for 10 weeks, every Saturday night, beginning this Saturday, July 19 from 7:00 - 7:30 p.m. on Urbana Public Television (UPTV) - cable channel 6. The episodes are:<BR>
Religious Freedom<BR>
Voting Rights<BR>
Gay & Lesbian Rights<BR>
Women's Rights<BR>
Youth Speak<BR>
Drug Wars<BR>
Beyond the Patriot Act<BR>
The Supreme Court<BR>
Racial Profiling<BR>
2. Champaign County ACLU will have a table at the Urbana Farmer's Market from 8:00 a.m. - noon this Saturday, July 19 and the following Saturday, July 26. Volunteers are needed for the 19th. If you can volunteer one or two hours to staffing the table on Saturday with one other ACLU member, please respond to <A href="mailto:estherpatt@hotmail.com">estherpatt@hotmail.com</A>.<BR>
At the table, we'll have for sale ACLU bumper stickers and DVD's of season one and season two of Freedom Files. We'll also have buttons which we are giving away for free, a summary of the spring legislative session in Springfield and a petition in support of the Reproductive Justice Act that was introduced in the Illinois House of Representatives. <BR>
<BR><br /><hr />The i’m Talkaton. Can 30-days of conversation change the world? <a href='http://www.imtalkathon.com/?source=EML_WLH_Talkathon_ChangeWorld' target='_new'>Find out now.</a></body>