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We are organizing car pools to Bloomington-Normal on Saturday, March 28 for the ACLU of Illinois' Action Summit. If you would like a ride or can offer one, please let me know at <A href="mailto:estherpatt@hotmail.com">estherpatt@hotmail.com</A><BR>
To register for the summit or find out more about it, please go to:<BR>
<A href="http://il.aclu.org/site/PageServer?pagename=IL_Content_2009MemberConf_Index">http://il.aclu.org/site/PageServer?pagename=IL_Content_2009MemberConf_Index</A><BR>
And, while you're at the ACLU of Illinois' web site, please check out the action alerts on legislation pending in Springfield (civil unions, reproductive choice, DNA samples to be taken from every person arrested, etc.)<BR>
Thank you,<BR>
Esther Patt<BR>
ACLU of Illinois, Champaign County Chapter<BR><br /><hr />HotmailŪ is up to 70% faster. Now good news travels really fast. <a href='http://windowslive.com/online/hotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_70faster_032009' target='_new'>Find out more.</a></body>