<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><br><b>Free Screening of <i>The Lord Is Not On Trial Here Today</i><br>7:00 PM Thursday, Sept 13th<br>Art Theater<br>126 W Church St, Champaign</b><br><br>67th ANNIVERSARY SHOWING!<br>Sept 13th, 1945 was the date of the McCollum trial in Champaign.<br><br>"The Lord Is Not On Trial Here Today", the Peabody and Emmy award winning documentary about the landmark separation of church and state case that started here in Champaign, is screening here this week for free. It is being shown in association with the Illini Secular Student Association. Producer/Director Jay Rosenstein will be on-hand to answer questions after the screening. Come see the film that won the 2011 Silver Gavel Award from the American Bar Association as the "best television program for fostering the public's understanding of law in
2010!"<br><br>http://www.illinissa.com/2012/08/the-lord-is-not-on-trial-here-today.html<br><br><hr><br><b>Friday September 14th<br>Breakfast with the Senator</b><br>To help kick-off the "Friday Forum" series at the University YMCA, the Y is sponsoring a special breakfast at Milo's Restaurant on Friday, September 14th, with Senator Russ Feingold, the only senator to vote against the Patriot Act and keynote speaker at last year's ACLU Roger Baldwin Foundation annual Bill of Rights Celebration. <br><br>To make a reservation for the breakfast, go to:<br>http://universityymca.org/feingold/<br>(reservations end Sept. 10th)<br><br>...or attend the<a href="http://universityymca.org/friday_forum/http://universityymca.org/friday_forum/"> Friday Forum</a> at noon Sept. 14th at the University Y:<br><br><i>While America Sleeps: A Wake-up Call for the Post-9/11 Era</i><br>Russ Feingold, former WI Senator and founder, Progressives United<br>*Lunch for this lecture
available by reservation only. To reserve lunch, please contact Carol Nunn at (217) 337-1500. <br><br><hr><br><b>Public Forum on Alternatives to Incarceration<br>Friday, September 21st at 6 p.m.<br>Urbana City Council Chambers, <br>400 S Vine Street, Urbana</b><br><br>* Rev. Zernial Bogan of Black Chamber of Commerce,<br>* Diane Zell of National Alliance on Mental Illness,<br>* Diana Lenik of ACLU,<br>* A representative from the Immigration Forum and<br>* James Kilgore of Citizens with Conviction.<br><br><br></td></tr></table>