[ACLU-CU ALERT] Fwd: Signature Verification Help Needed in Springfield
Champaign County ACLU Announcements
announce at aclu-cu.org
Fri Jun 16 14:54:10 EDT 2006
Dear Friends:
We need another few hours of your time. We have only seven more days
to find invalid signers of the petition that will put an anti-gay
constitutional amendment on the November ballot. Please email me or
call me to sign-up to help at one or more of the following shifts. If
you can't work an entire shift, just tell me.
Friday, June 16 9am-Noon Noon-5pm 5-8pm
Saturday, June 17 9am-Noon
Sunday, June 18 1-4pm 4-7pm
Monday, June 19 9am-Noon Noon-5pm 5-8pm
Tuesday, June 20 9am-Noon Noon-5pm 5-8pm
Wednesday, June 21 9am-Noon Noon-5pm 5-8pm
More than 45 different people have worked at least one shift and we all
agree on a few things--easy work, a little tedious, fun with friends
and it's important to stop this advisory referendum dead in its tracks.
The computer bank is set up at the Democratic Party of Illinois office
at 1201 S. Veterans Parkway, Suite C (northwest corner of Veterans at
Old jack, go one block on Old Jack, turn onto Rickard Road, turn right
at second entrance to the parking lot, drive to back of parking lot,
see one-story pink-ish brick building, go to Suite C of that building).
Call 494-9790 if you get lost. I understand it can be a little tricky
to find.
The attorneys believe that if the volunteers working here and in
Chicago check every petition signature, we will find enough invalid
signatures to knock this advisory referendum off the ballot. Feel free
to forward this email to your friends who may be interested in helping.
Thank you.
Jane Stricklin
JStrick7 at aol.com
Note: All Champaign County petitions have already been checked by a
coalition of local grass-roots organizations and individuals - the
Springfield effort is checking other downstate petitions.
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