Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Wed Oct 4 13:50:07 EDT 2006

Champaign County ACLU is a co-sponsor of this weekend's Unity March:

Champaign Urbana Citizens for Peace & Justice
In conjunction with fifteen local social justice organizations 

Unity March III:  The People's Parade, The End of All Wars

Saturday, Oct. 7 at noon.

The kick-off location is the NW side of the street at Bradley Avenue,
near Prospect. We are asking that you join us. This year we will take
the march through the Garden Hills neighborhood, ground zero for the
impact of racism and poverty in our community. We will begin at
Prospect and Bradley, walk through Garden Hills, and hold a rally
after the march with speakers, music, and poetry.  The goal of this
year's Unity March is to raise awareness and build community in Garden

The theme of this year's Unity March is "The End of All Wars." We have
seen several successive wars – Cold War, War on Crime, War on Drugs,
War on Terror – that have brought few victories to less privileged
Americans.  We are calling not only for an end to the wars in the
Middle East, but also an end to the so-called "War on Drugs." In the
past 25 years, the prison population has quadrupled – from 500,000 in
1980 to over 2 million currently – largely because of repressive drug
laws. Many people turn to drugs as an alternative to persistent
unemployment, low wages, and overwhelming hopelessness. We believe the
"War on Drugs" would more aptly be described as a "War on the Poor."
It represents our failure to provide meaningful work, well-paid jobs,
and good schools.

For more information contact:
Carol Ammons
Telephone: 217-344-1811
Cell: 217-721-8330
E-mail: livingsoul at sbcglobal.net


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