[ACLU-CU ALERT] Road Trip for Choice
Champaign County ACLU Announcements
announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu Oct 26 23:19:07 EDT 2006
The network of ACLU affiliates is seeking funding to send volunteers to
canvass for choice in South Dakota . Volunteers would leave Illinois
on November 3rd and return on November 5th or November 8th. Are you
interested in going?
South Dakota is the front line of the battle to protect reproductive
rights. We need your help educating voters about an anti-choice
referendum on the November ballot that would leave victims of rape and
incest, and women whose lives are endangered, with no options.
Volunteers would leave in planes, vans or buses on the
afternoon/evening of Friday, November 3rd, and return on Wednesday,
November 8th, if possible. There will also be an opportunity to return
on Sunday, November 5th. We would cover transportation, lodging and
probably food.
The purpose of this email message is to gauge how many people are
interested, which will allow us to submit a request for funding. If you
reply and express interest in volunteering, we will keep you updated
with information on the status of our funding request.
Thank you!
Yesenia Sotelo
Director of Technology and Membership
ACLU of Illinois
ysotelo at aclu-il.org
312-201-9740 x334
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