[ACLU-CU ALERT] FW: ACLU Listening Tour in Champaign on 11/9
Champaign County ACLU Announcements
announce at aclu-cu.org
Mon Nov 6 10:11:13 EST 2017
Dear Members,
Champaign County ACLU has forwarded this email to you with the following message:
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Dear Carol,
The past year has been non-stop for you and the ACLU. With your help, our membership
in Illinois has expanded from just over 14,000 members and supporters to more than
70,000. We are working tirelessly to resist violations of civil liberties that
come from the Trump Administration and expand freedoms and protections here in Illinois.
Now, we want to hear from you.
This Tuesday, November 7th at 7pm, we are hosting a town hall style meeting at the
Champaign Public Library. The meeting is part of the "We the People" tour, allowing
ACLU members speak directly to the organization and our Executive Director, Colleen
Registration is not required, but you can click here [http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?t=h6meey8ab.0.txgoey8ab.8sjiebuab.0&r=3&p=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aclu-il.org%2Fen%2Fevents%2Faclu-listening-tour-champaign]
for directions. We hope you will join us.
Questions? Please contact Ed Yohnka at (312) 201-9740 x305 or eyohnka at aclu-il.org for more information.
This email was forwarded to announce at aclu-cu.org, by Champaign County ACLU.
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