[ACLU-CU ALERT] Fwd: Help needed -- urge the Governor to sign House Bill 4469

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu Aug 16 09:47:22 EDT 2018

To all --

We need your help on another urgent matter.   *Please call Governor Rauner
at 312.814.2121 and urge him to sign House Bill 4469 into law.*  The bill
helps ensure that everyone eligible in Illinois to cast a ballot actually
has access to the vote.

The ACLU of Illinois’ advocacy team led by Khadine Bennett worked
throughout the legislative session to move House Bill 4469, a measure that
calls on jail facilities across the state to have a plan for people
detained pre-trial (and thus still eligible) to have access to the ballot,
to exercise a right they already have. The bill also calls for eligible
individuals leaving prisons and jails throughout the state to receive a
voter registration form and information about their voting rights.

Now, we are hearing that Governor Rauner may use an amendatory veto on the
bill – eliminating the information available to persons leaving jails
across the state.  Such an action will effectively kill the legislation.
This would be unfortunate – especially given the work the State of Illinois
has done over the past several years to expand access to voting.

*The Governor must act by August 21st, so make your voice heard today.
Call the Governor’s office at 312.814.2121 and leave a message urging him
to sign House Bill 4469.  *


[image: Logo_Illinois]
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