[ACLU-CU ALERT] Rally in Kankakee to Oppose Expansion of Detention Center

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Tue Aug 21 08:56:19 EDT 2018

[image: ACLU email logo.jpg]
Dear ACLU Members,

We want to call your attention to this rally in Kankakee on Sept. 1.
Champaign County ACLU is one of the sponsors.

One Less: Who

Will Fill These



September 1st

1 PM

Kankakee County


450 E. Court St.

Kankakee, IL

The rally is organized by Connect Kankakee, a local group opposing the
expansion of their detention center to house more people detained by ICE.
You can read their statement and see their flyer attached below.

"With on average 150 ICE detainees being held per day and the Sheriff
calling for expanding our detention center by 32,000 square feet AND
improving the local airport to expedite deportations directly from
Kankakee, we could become the largest such facility in the state.  While
local press coverage touts the Sheriff's stated revenue gains of $4.2
million adding to an otherwise dire financial situation for Kankakee
County, we have found that many residents remain uninformed on this issue.
That's where we come in.  This event will put county officials on notice
and champion our initiative to end holding ICE detainees in Kankakee

Please help them *spread the word, *especially if you know people near

If you are interested in going and have space for riders or need a ride, David
Dorman has offered to coordinate carpools.

Contact:  David Dorman<ddorman at marlboro.edu>.

You can reach Connect Kankakee at <connectkankakee at gmail.com>

As always, thanks for being part of the resistance and supporting ACLU!
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