Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Wed Jun 27 16:34:44 EDT 2018

Dear ACLU supporters,

Bad news is piling up, the Republican administration's policies are cruel
and inhumane, and we must RESIST.

What can you do?

1. *Come out to a brief protest ACTION Saturday June 30* to demand that the
administration stop separating immigrant families and taking children
hostage. All over the nation people will be protesting that day and in C-U
we must not be silent.

*Saturday June 30*
*Gather at Champaign Public Library, 200 W. Green St, Champaign 12:45 pm.*
*March to Green and Neil with signs.* Bring your own or we will have some
ready for you. Bring your friends and neighbors. We must raise our voices
to send a clear signal that we do not agree!

(The march will begin AFTER The People's Agenda meeting 10:30-12:30, also
at the library.)

To RSVP or for more info:


For printable signs, see the pdf below or


2. *Join the ACLU contingent in the Freedom Day Celebration Parade on July

The resistance is alive and well in our town and there is no better way to
show it than to march with the ACLU!
Let's show C-U the America WE believe in!

If you have a gray "We've Got Your Back!" T-shirt from last year's parade,
wear it. If not, we have one for you.
($5 donation appreciated but not necessary.) Questions? Write
info at aclu-cu.org.

What will your parade sign say?

Voting Rights.
Smart Justice.
Vote like your rights depend on it!
Immigrants are the strength of our nation.
Restore the Rule of Law.
Or ?????

Come to our

*Sign-making Party! Sunday JULY 1 *
*Champaign Public Library *
*3-5 pm*.

We will have poster board and art supplies and you can pick up your T-shirt!

We are fighting for the soul of our democracy. Join us!
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