[ACLU-CU ALERT] Bail Reform in Illinois -- ACT NOW!

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Sat Apr 27 12:17:24 EDT 2019

Dear Champaign County ACLU members,

*Many people are incarcerated in Illinois simply because they cannot afford
to post bail. You can do two things to change the system.*

1. Go to the URL below and follow the directions on how to file a witness
slip. The Bail Reform Act is being considered in committee this Tuesday
April 30th, so please TAKE ACTION before then. Your witness slip informs
legislators that a lot of us out here support bail reform.


2. Come to the *Rally to Reform Money Bail* on May 6 at Canaday Park,
Urbana, from 10 - 11:30 or for part of that time. The Illinois Commission
on Pre-trial Reform will be here to listen to the people of
Champaign-Urbana and we need to make sure they know we support serious
reform! The Listening Session will be 11:30 - 1 and is open to the public.
Anyone can speak.

*The ACLU is committed to reforming our justice system to make it fairer
and more effective. Thanks for your help! *

*Champaign County ACLU*
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