[ACLU-CU ALERT] Presidents' Day Protest Against National Emergency 3-4 pm Champaign Public Library

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Sun Feb 17 15:04:00 EST 2019

*Champaign County ACLU is supporting the Presidents' Day Protest Against
National Emergency *
*MON Feb. 18   3 - 4 pm. *
*Champaign Public Library, 200 W Green.*
*Please spread the word and JOIN US!*

At 3 pm we'll meet up at the Champaign Public Library in the Robeson Rooms
on the first floor. From there we will march down Green St. to Neil St. to
the Champaign Municipal Building. If you have time constraints or mobility
concerns, you can park or drive along the route and honk when you see us
coming. Share your support however you can. Bring signs, your friends, warm
clothes and your sense of solidarity. We hope to see you there!

Facebook Event is here:

The ACLU is filing suit and Cecillia Wang
<https://www.aclu.org/bio/cecillia-wang>, ACLU Deputy Legal Director said:

"Trump’s declaration damages the rule of law and violates the
constitutional checks and balances that protect us, the people, from a
president’s abuse of power. The Constitution provides that Congress has the
power to spend federal funds — our taxpayer dollars. And Congress has
enacted a law <https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/10/2808> that gives
the president *limited* power to spend federal funds without a
congressional appropriation when he declares a national emergency. That law
lets the president spend taxpayer money on military construction when
“necessary to support” the emergency use of armed forces.

What Trump is doing is patently illegal, because there is no emergency. He
even admitted it himself during his press conference today: “I didn’t need
to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster.”

And that’s the truth.

Three weeks ago, Trump announced that if Congress didn’t give him what he
wanted, he would declare a national emergency. This week, Congress reached
a bipartisan deal to avert another government shutdown and appropriated
$1.375 billion for the border wall. President Trump disagrees with
Congress’s decision and wants to spend more. That is not an emergency. It’s
an unconstitutional usurpation of Congress’s spending power by the

Read the entire statement here:
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