[ACLU-CU ALERT] Reproductive Health Act: Calls and witness slips needed
Champaign County ACLU Announcements
announce at aclu-cu.org
Sat Mar 23 14:44:25 EDT 2019
The Illinois Reproductive Health Act (HB 2495) will soon be considered by the Illinois House of Representatives. A fact sheet is attached.
Please click here<http://my.ilga.gov/WitnessSlip/Create/118530?committeeHearingId=16861&LegislationId=118530&LegislationDocumentId=149652&HCommittees3%2F29%2F2019-page=1&committeeid=0&chamber=H&nodays=7&_=1553289353628&GridCurrentCommittees-page=2> to submit a witness slip. Anti-choice submissions are high so we need as many pro-choice people as possible to file.
1. Fill in all blanks
2. You are representing yourself, not ACLU, so for title and organization, just type in "self"
3. Click "proponent"
4. Click "record of appearance only"
5. Click your agreement to the terms at the bottom
6. Click "submit"
We will need all witness slips in by close of business Tuesday, March 26th.
You can add to the impact of your input by calling or sending an email to your State Representative asking him or her to vote "yes" on HB 2495. Their offices are getting lots of calls from opponents, so we all really need to call or email our representatives.
If you are not certain in which IL House District you live, go to the Champaig County Clerk's web site to look up your individual voter information: https://champaigncountyclerk.com/elections/voter-information
State Rep. Carol Ammons - House District 103
(most of Champaign-Urbana)
(217) 531-1660
Email: Assistance at StateRepCarolAmmons.com
Sate Rep. Dan Caulkins (House District 101)
(northwestern portion of Champaign County)
(217) 876-1968
Email: caulkins at ilhousegop.org
State Rep. Dan Halbrock (House District 102)
(southern portion of Champaign County
(217) 774-1306
Email: Halbrook at ilhousegop.org
State Rep. Michael Marron (House District 104)
(eastern portion of Champaign County)
(217) 477-0104
Email: mike at repmikemarron.com
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