[ACLU-CU ALERT] Police qualified immunity from prosecution

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Mon Apr 12 16:51:31 EDT 2021

ACLU is hosting a special zoom event on police accountability
on Monday, April 19 at 7:00 PM CDT from our Director of Advocacy and
Intergovernmental Affairs, Khadine Bennett. We really hope you can join us
and help us build momentum to pass HB 1727: The Bad Apples in Law
Enforcement Accountability Act
and follow states like Colorado and New Mexico in ending Qualified Immunity
in Illinois.

The two immediate actions we need you to take are:

1.       *Call 1-866-581-7519* to be connected to your Illinois State
Representative and urge them to support and sponsor HB 1727 (it takes less
than 90 seconds!); be aware that there is a massive counter-effort to
protect the police from giving up their qualified immunity from prosecution
for use of force and other violations of civil rights so even if you know
your legislator supports HB 1727, it is worth giving them your support.


2.       *RSVP*
to join us at 7:00 pm CDT on Monday, April 19*, for an in-depth
conversation about police accountability with the ACLU of Illinois and
Illinois State Representative Curtis Tarver, the sponsor of HB 1727. *Add
the event to your calendar!* <https://www.addevent.com/event/TG6260044>

*Please share both calls to action with your friends, family, colleagues,
and others in your network! *Our Advocacy team is working so hard to move
critical bills this session – let’s make sure to support them in all the
ways we can!

need your help to ensure that police in Illinois can be held accountable
when they violate a person’s constitutional rights.


[image: No More Bad Apples Event Graphic]

*We* *need your help today* *to ensure that police in Illinois are held
accountable when they violate someone's constitutional rights!* Please read
on to learn two important steps you can take to be part of the fight to
achieve meaningful police accountability in Illinois.

*First,* *please call 1-866-581-7519 to be connected to your Illinois State
Representative and urge them to support and sponsor **HB 1727: The Bad
Apples in Law Enforcement Accountability Act*

*Second,* *we hope you will **RSVP*
to join us at 7:00 pm CDT on Monday, April 19, for an in-depth conversation
about police accountability with Illinois State Representative Curtis
Tarver, the sponsor of HB 1727. *

The Illinois General Assembly is considering HB 1727
we need all ACLU supporters to call and write
their state representatives and urge them to sponsor and support this
crucial bill. The Bad Apples Act would allow a person to bring a lawsuit in
state court against a police officer who violates that person’s
constitutional rights, without having to worry that a police officer will
get away with it because they have blanket qualified immunity. This change
will allow courts and juries to evaluate allegations of constitutional
violations by police on a case-by-case basis, hold police accountable, and
give people a path to seek redress when their civil rights are violated.

*Please contact your representatives TODAY and urge them to support HB
1727.* We cannot have another Adam Toledo, another Laquan McDonald, another
George Floyd or Breonna Taylor or Eric Garner. The list of victims of
police violence is too long, and the list of police held accountable for
those atrocities is too short. Please act now.

*At this* *special event on April 19, we will discuss police accountability
in Illinois* – including the ways qualified immunity undermines
accountability and denies justice to victims of police misconduct, and how
the Bad Apples Act will make individual police officers and police
departments more accountable for unconstitutional actions. We will also
explore how each of us can join the fight to ensure the Bad Apples Act is
signed into law – because the time for meaningful police accountability is

*Learn More and RSVP Today*

*Thank you for joining us in this important fight for justice.* This is
going to be a hard fight and we need you to take action for the bill to
move forward. There is so much power in all of us working together, so much
power in the people. When we stand together firmly on the right side of
history, we make history. Be part of the struggle to achieve meaningful
police accountability in Illinois.



*Khadine Bennett*

Director of Advocacy and Intergovernmental Affairs

ACLU of Illinois

Pronouns: she/her/hers

[image: ACLU of Illinois logo]

*Artwork by: **Nikko Washington*


ACLU of Illinois| aclu-il.org
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