[ACLU-CU ALERT] Fwd: Take Action: Witness slips on Police Accountability

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Thu Mar 25 09:15:35 EDT 2021

*VERY IMPORTANT ACTION!* (Please do not Reply All to the Announce list.

Good morning,

            We again are asking you to take a few moments to file a witness
slip on an issue before Committee in Springfield, this time focused on the
critical issue of police accountability. This afternoon at 2:00 p.m., the
House Restorative Justice Committee will hear testimony on House Bill 1727,
the Bad Apples in Law Enforcement Accountability Act. You can take action
and learn more about the bill *here

The proposal removes unnecessary and unfair legal barriers so courts can
hold police officers accountable when they violate someone’s constitutional
rights. This bill directly seeks to remove the doctrine of qualified
immunity in Illinois law, which serves as an often insurmountable barrier
to justice for people whose rights have been violated.

            If you are interested in more information about the ACLU’s
efforts to end qualified immunity at the state and federal level, you may
be interested in this blog posted on the National ACLU website yesterday

            Again, the hearing is at 2:00 p.m.so* witness slips need to be
filed by that hour. *


*P.S. We wanted to express our appreciation and thanks for each of you who
have taken time this week to file witness slips.  We can report that the
measure that reclassifies sentences (from a felony to a misdemeanor) moved
out of Committee on Tuesday and the Healthy Youth Act was approved by
Committee last night. We are grateful for your support for these important
pieces of legislation.*

Edwin C. Yohnka


Director of Communications and Public Policy

ACLU of Illinois

312.201.9740, ext. 305

[image: Logo_CMYK_Illinois]
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