[ACLU-CU ALERT] Fwd: Urgent! Witness slips needed to repeal PNA -- Committee hearing schedule for 3:30 p.m.

Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Tue Oct 26 16:25:04 EDT 2021

Hey Everyone –

*This is urgent!! Please do this RIGHT AWAY!*

Just a few minutes ago, Senator Elgie Sims  introduced the* Illinois Health
Youth and Safety Act – HB 370*. This bill would repeal the dangerous
Parental Notice of Abortion Act (PNA) and create a taskforce to help
identify support and resources for pregnant and parenting youth.

The Illinois Health and Safety Act will heard in the Illinois Senate
Executive Committee today at 3:30 p.m. We need your help!!

Make your voice heard in support of HB 370 (Senate Amendment #1) by filling
out a witness slip, and marking *proponent*.

Go here <https://www.aclu-il.org/en/take-action-youth-health-and-safety-act>
to learn more and access the witness slip form.


   - *Identification* – Fill in your name and contact information
   - *Representation* – Fill in ‘Self’ or the name of the organization that
   you represent.
   - *Position* –
      - Check the box next to *PROPONENT*
   - Testimony – Check the box next to *RECORD OF APPEARANCE ONLY*
   - *Check the box* agreeing to the ILGA terms of agreement and click the
   ‘create slip’ box

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

Edwin C. Yohnka


Director of Communications and Public Policy

ACLU of Illinois

312.201.9740, ext. 305

[image: Logo_CMYK_Illinois]
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