Champaign County ACLU Announcements announce at aclu-cu.org
Tue Mar 8 11:55:13 EST 2022

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Dear ACLU allies and members,

We ask you to file a witness slip in OPPOSITION to HB 5808 before 4 pm

Here is why and how to do it:

*HB 5058 (Moylan) would create a new felony crime for knowingly removing or
“tampering with” an electronic monitoring device, which could be charged
instead of or in addition to the existing crime of escape. This bill is
posted for a hearing in the House Judiciary- Criminal Law Committee today,
Tuesday, March 8 at 4:00pm*. *We oppose HB 5058 and encourage others to do
the same.*

Because of the flaws inherent in EM technology, these charges could be
brought and someone could be punished for a long time before they ever have
the chance to prove the alleged tampering wasn’t knowing or wasn’t their
fault. *People could be subjected to this punishment for things like
letting the battery on your device go dead, or dropping your phone if you
are being monitored through a smartphone app.  Under current law, people
can already be summarily reincarcerated for the conduct described in this
bill. There is no reason to add an additional penalty on top of that when
an indefinite no bail hold is already the default response to this

*Please take a moment to make your voice heard and file an electronic
witness in opposition to this measure. *

*To file a slip in opposition:*

*1.            Go to this link: HB 5058

*2.            Fill out the form with your information. If you are not the
official representative of a firm or organization, please write SELF.*

*3.            To indicate your opposition to the bill, please click

*4.            For testimony, choose "record of appearance only."*

*5.            To submit the slip, click the button "create slip."*


Carol Spindel
Director of Communications
ACLU of Champaign County
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