ACLU Freedom Files on UPTV!

Champaign-Urbana Cable Channel 6

One 30-minute episode airs every Saturday 6:00-6:30 PM:


·         Beyond the Patriot Act
Through the personal stories of ordinary Americans, Beyond the Patriot Act examines how a sweeping and misguided law is restricting our most basic constitutional freedoms and threatening America's system of government.

·         The Supreme Court
What's at stake? See how one Oklahoma high school student and her family stood united against a drug testing policy they thought violated her right to privacy, only to find themselves in the highest court in the land.

·         Dissent
Freedom of speech is a given in America, right? Not if you're a Muslim hip hop poet who spoke his mind, then found the FBI on his tail. Or protesters at the National political conventions, relegated to "free speech" zones far from politicians with whom they disagreed.

·         Racial Profiling
Racial profiling - an ongoing, persistent and challenging problem facing America - may have fallen off the radar screen... unless you're a person of color. Hear the real stories that reveal the ineffectiveness of racial profiling and its pervasiveness in American society.

·         Religious Freedom
The right of every American to practice his or her own religion, or no religion at all, is among the most fundamental of freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. But while the United States is home to more than 1,500 different faiths and some 360,000 houses of worship, religious freedom faces threats on many fronts. This episode of The ACLU Freedom Files will introduce you to people who fought back challenges to this essential civil liberty.

·         Youth Speak
Young people in America are often treated as if the Bill of Rights doesn't apply to them. In many schools, for instance, students' writings are censored, backpacks and lockers are searched without reasonable suspicion, and low-income students are expected to learn in wretched conditions. In this episode of The ACLU Freedom Files, you'll meet young people whose rights were violated and who fought back.

·         Drug Wars
America's "war on drugs" has done nothing to reduce drug abuse, despite decades of massive spending on law enforcement and the criminalization of addiction. Instead, it has diverted resources from fighting other crimes, fostered racial profiling and led to the imprisonment of millions. Meanwhile, people who suffer from serious illnesses are cruelly prevented from accessing medications that could reduce their suffering.

·         Women's Rights
Women have made great gains in the fight for equality, but gender bias continues to create huge barriers for many—especially for immigrants, women with low incomes, victims of domestic violence, and women seeking reproductive health care.

·         Gay & Lesbian Rights
This episode of The ACLU Freedom Files shows how the members of gay and lesbian families in America are treated as second-class citizens under the law, lacking rights that many people take for granted.

·         Voting Rights
The right to vote is a keystone of democracy, but many Americans still fight for this fundamental freedom despite the passage 41 years ago of the Voting Rights Act, which aimed to ensure equal access to the ballot box. With vital parts of the VRA up for renewal, even more citizens could find themselves stripped of their voting rights. This program illustrates the devastating impact of disenfranchisement on people's daily lives, and introduces you to individuals who are tearing down barriers to full political participation.

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