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HOW TO CONTACT THE CHAMPAIGN COUNTY CHAPTERIf you believe your civil liberties have been violated and you need assistance, contact the ACLU office for the state in which you live. In Illinois, contact the Illinois Division in Chicago at 1-800-572-1092. If you are interested in joining the ACLU or want more information, send email to info@aclu-cu.org. The local ACLU Steering Committee meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m., in conference room 3405 at the Siebel Center, 210 N Goodwin Ave, Urbana. OFFICERS President: Bill Brown 304 W. Nevada, Urbana 61801 urbanabill@yahoo.com Vice-President: Carol Spindel cspindel7@gmail.com Secretary: Carol Leff leffc@uiuc.edu Treasurer: Stephen Portnoy sportnoy@uiuc.edu STEERING COMMITTEE